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What are report types?


Report types define what can be provided in a request. analytix automatically selects the most appropriate report type based on the dimensions, filters, and metrics you provide, so it is probably easier to think of report types as a single standard for validating requests.


Each report type has a set of valid:

  • Dimensions
  • Filters
  • Metrics
  • Sort options (usually the same as the valid metrics)

After a report type is selected by analytix, the provided attributes are compared against the valid ones for that report type, and errors are thrown on mismatches. For example, if "day" and "country" (two incompatible dimensions) are both provided, analytix will detect this and throw an error. From v4.1.4, these errors are much clearer.

This provides a system with which to prevent invalid requests from counting toward your API quota, as well as one to detail the errors you make, something that the YouTube Analytics API doesn't do.

Detailed report types

Some report types are stricter that others; they also have:

  • A reduced set of valid sort options, separate to the set of valid metrics
  • A maximum number of results (normally 200)

These report types are referred to internally as "detailed report types". Oftentimes, they are also far more picky about what filters can be provided and the values that can be passed to them.

List of report types

Below is a list of all possible report types, complete with links to official documentation resources.


The official documentation is not 100% accurate. analytix does account for this wherever possible, but note some behaviour may not be as expected.


Content owner reports are not supported.

Video report types

Playlist report types

Ad performance report types

  1. Detailed report type 

  2. The documentation for this report type is incorrect (as of 15 Jan 2023). The actual max number of results is 25.